Talk about your background. What qualifies you to be a school board commissioner?
I am a parent of 4 students that all went to Memphis and Shelby County Schools I am a grandmother of 3 beautiful grandchildren. My grandson attends Head Start at Scenic Hills Elementary School which is in my district. I believe in parent voices, and community voices. We all have a part to play in educating our children. I work to improve the schools not just in my district, but all over the school system.

I go to the capitol at least 4 times a year to advocate for better funding, more resources, and better communication with our general assembly. I visit the schools in my district regularly, not just MSCS, but charter schools, the Achievement School District schools, and private schools. I also advocate for city and county improvements. I am passionate about the work. I was elected, 10-years ago and every school in Frayser was on the priority list except 2 of them. I am happy to say that Trezevant High School, Georgiana Hills Middle School, Hawkin Hills Middle, Grandview Middle School are not on the list. Whitney Elementary is a reward School and Memphis Business Academy is a reward school.
I am committed to the children of Memphis-Shelby County Schools. I am committed to having a seat at the table. I’m committed to listening and I take time to read and go to meetings about all things in my district. I’m always in my community.
MSCS has set significant academic goals, particularly when it comes to third-grade literacy. How do you think that, as a school board commissioner, you can help improve student performance?
Visit the schools and see what is working at those high performing schools in reading. There program can become a model in the district. Identify the children who have low reading scores, because they may be truant, transient and or have an underlying disability. All of those play a significant reason why our students can’t read. What works in Orange Mound, may not work in Raleigh or in the incorporated area.

MSCS is facing about $1 billion in deferred maintenance and is putting together a comprehensive infrastructure plan. What are your priorities for the district’s infrastructure?
More funding is a priority. We are talking to the community as we go through the Infrastructure assessment process. Merging schools is always a challenge for our communities. It takes hard work and has to be intentional. Sometimes it doesn’t benefit a community, that’s the reason community input is important.
No student should have to enter a building, with (a) roof leak, it is dark, and it is cold within the winter months and hot in summer months. That is a disaster for academics. I haven’t seen the plan yet and I don’t know what is in it. I know the district uses, utilization, academics and deferred maintenance when closing a school.
Is there anything else you’d like to say about your campaign and aspirations to stay on the school board?
Although, I have had two strokes, I’m still committed to (running) my school board race.
For 10 years, I have been a school member, I have been committed. I haven’t waivered on my aspirations. I have grown within these last 10 years and I have grown for my district and my community. Love makes the world go round, why not choose me for the next 4 years. Everyone needs Love. I am not oblivious of the challenges that face our community. I fight for to alleviate ― crime, poor housing, and health care disparities.
We did not get this way overnight, and it is going to take some time to make additional progress. I have seen some positive changes. It is up to the community to take a part in this for things to change. I am part of the community.